【财新网】(实习研究员 William Spence)对于任何一个来自英语国家的人,看到中国街边的路牌上写着“The Racist Park”(种族歧视者公园),或者一家餐馆的菜单上写着“smell of urine”(尿臊气),恐怕很难不笑出来。不过,外国人乱用中文的情况也好不到哪里去,而且可能有更为“持久”的后果。
For any native English speaker, it’s hard not to laugh when you see a signpost pointing the way to ‘The Racist Park’ or a restaurant menu offering you a dish with the “smell of urine”. But foreigners aren’t exactly innocent when it comes to using Chinese, and often with much more lasting consequences.