【财新网】(实习研究员 William Spence)包含“中国”一词的新闻总是能吸引读者,要是再加上点贪腐官员或者食用家养动物的内容,那你的文章就会大获全胜。
| The name ‘China’ will always attract readers. Add in something about corrupt officials or people eating domestic animals and you’ve got yourself a winner.
【财新网】(实习研究员 William Spence)包含“中国”一词的新闻总是能吸引读者,要是再加上点贪腐官员或者食用家养动物的内容,那你的文章就会大获全胜。
| The name ‘China’ will always attract readers. Add in something about corrupt officials or people eating domestic animals and you’ve got yourself a winner.